
What is Opu Labs - Project hot 2018

What is Opu Labs Project? Opu Labs  is developing a platform that can provide product recommendations and professional advice for skincare. The company hopes to benefit consumers by offering professional recommendations for far less than they might pay in person, while also generating new business for dermatologists, cosmetologists, and product lines. The platform will use its own internal currency, the Opu Coin. Opu Labs aims to become the leading digital solutions provider for skincare measurement, management, and monitoring. To achieve this, we’re building an advanced ecosystem that combines a machine learning AI, a clinic, a marketplace, and a community. Underpinning all of these features is blockchain technology. Its use allows patient data to be decentralized and freely accessed at scale. It also incentivizes those involved to play an active role in our ecosystem: by rewarding them with our native ERC-223 tokens, OPU Coins. Ultimately, we want to give consumers better access

flyCARE обзор ICO HOT 2018

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eCoinomic . Solusi keuangan yang sangat baik 2018 .

Area di dunia sangat menguntungkan pada inovasi blockbuster. Alun-alun memiliki uang komputerisasi yang disebut uang kriptografi. Uang kriptografi, juga disebut sebagai sumber daya, dapat digunakan untuk mengaktualisasikan berbagai kegiatan pada berbagai tahap; Untuk sebagian besar kegiatan seperti pembelian barang-barang dagangan, angsuran untuk administrasi, seperti keuntungan, dan sebagainya., juga uang digital ini belum mendapatkan pengakuan dan penggunaan secara keseluruhan pada perhatiannya, dan tetap menggunakan penggunaan cryptotherming sebagai Jenis asuransi yang akan memberikannya dalam bentuk moneter perintah. Demikian juga, sumber daya komputer ini memiliki beberapa utilitas yang berbeda, yang tidak dapat dicorot atau diaktualisasikan. Salah satunya dimanfaatkannya sebagai asuransi. Langkah-langkah yang digunakan dalam pemolesan adalah membantu mengembangkan dunia kripto lintas batas dan melengkapi orang-orang dengan daya yang semakin besar melalui kredit yang didukung o

HUSSY - Blockchain based marketplace that connects sex...

What is HUSSY project? is a Blockchain-based marketplace that connects sex workers with clients. It includes a recurrent payment channel and a listing platform to advertise services. Clients explore offers for free, and see highest fee offers first. Clients can pay directly with cash or with an in-app purchase using a third party payment processor. With the knowledge we have in the commercial sex industry, it would be safe to say that the sector does need innovation. For a long time, the business is run on rather scantily details which always bring the issue of identity and payment security. However,  aims to eliminate the common myths with the sex industry by introducing a safer channel by pairing sex with  blockchain technology  to facilitate a natural progression. Here's how the blockchain platform wants to promote hookups for sex workers and their clientele through blockchain technology HUSSY's Benefits Decentralization – sex workers and clientele

Swachhcoin - A revolutionary waste management of platform

In the modern world, the issue of garbage disposal is acute. The population of the planet is growing rapidly, the market of goods and services is constantly expanding and, as a result, the amount of waste is increasing. City dumps of megapolises are overwhelmed, people are suffocated by the smell of waste. Scientists have proved that human beings are those to be blamed for the aggravation of this situation, and not because people now have a large selection of products, furniture and clothes, but because a person does not know how to properly dispose of garbage and unnecessary things. Those who fight to protect the environment offer to sort garbage by content - old newspapers in one container, plastic in other, and household waste - in one more separate container. But how to install containers for different categories of garbage all over the world? How to teach people how to sort garbage correctly? After all, not everyone can distinguish plastic from plastic. Swachhcoin project is ab

Eloncity - free electricity concept - hot 2018

Every instrument that we use to make life easier for us depends entirely on electricity. Although science and technology are developing every day, still the extraction of electricity in our time is very difficult and it is necessary to change something. The high cost of electricity, centralized electrical AC systems is not profitable. With a low level of security in existing energy networks, many security problems arise and they are not able to guarantee 100% of the safe food. Environmental problems The usual process of energy production is not environmentally friendly, especially when it comes to the production of thermal energy. Eloncity will solve this problem. What is Eloncity? Eloncity - the project of a mobile and flexible network of self-sufficient installations, accumulating and distributing the energy of the sun and wind. It is assumed that the people who bought them will be united in collective "pools", which will allow storing and distributing energy with ex

All of about Smarter Than Crypto

Automatic System STC is different that any other traditional trading platforms because it offers automatic system. As the result, you can choose the best portfolio anytime you want. Interestingly, the trade all types of portfolios by using one type of token only. The automatic system provides you with simpler trading activity. You don’t need to spend extra money for broker and exit fees. Even, you don’t have to pay any kind of management fee because everything will be run automatically. Users can start to invest or trade no matter the total of tokens they have because Smarter than Crypto doesn’t use minimum token. New Investment Model STC offers better trading system whether for investors or traders. You are about to trade along with collective investment model. By the time you have   STC tokens , you are able to buy or sell anytime you want. You just need to visit trusted merchant exchange and get tokens or money right away without any complicated requirements. Users can also buy or s